Reduces the leadership and prevents movement of all units in an area.
A complex sigil is performed, transfixing the enemy with a shifting array of hallucinatory images that disjoint and befuddle, inviting their deaths.
Overcast version deals increased damage.
Bombards an area with damage from deadly, exploding glass shards.
A mirror forms in the sky, only to be shattered into a myriad of deadly shards that lacerate the enemy below.
Overcast version increases duration (and thus, damage).
Deals damage over time and reduces the melee attack of a target unit.
Whistling one of Slaanesh’s perverse darkling dances causes the foe’s bones to jerk spasmodically until they break.
Overcast version further increases armour-piercing weapon damage.
Buffs the armour-piercing weapon damage and melee attack of a target unit, as well as giving them the Rampage! Attribute.
The caster’s victims are engulfed by a torrent of unreasoning emotion, excruciating pain and blissful rapture, causing them to embark on a riotous, clawing rampage.
Overcast version has a large effect on speed.
Decreases speed and melee defence of a target unit.
The spellcaster’s corrupting touch puts their victims into a blissful, euphoric state for a short time, rendering them little able to move, let alone defend themselves.
Conal damage spell that sends enemies flying.
The exquisite kiss of the Dark Prince’s three-tailed whip strikes the enemy with a delicious fury.
A portal to the Realm of Chaos opens, a magical tear in the mortal plane that sucks those nearby inside to face certain madness, if not their doom.
Three pillars of flame move randomly around the target area, dealing damage and applying Warpflame!.
Blistering balls of scarlet flame emanate from the spellcaster to engulf the foe in deadly balefire.
Increases your army’s power recharge speed and reserves pool, while decreasing the enemy’s.
Reaching into his enemy’s mind, the spellcaster steals their sorcery for his own diabolical use.
Overcast version also lowers melee attack.
Lowers the leadership of all enemies affected in an area.
The spellcaster whispers into the enemies’ minds, subtly stoking the fires of mistrust and treachery.
Conal damage spell, inflicting the Warpflame! debuff.
A roiling tide of iridescent energy flows from the spellcaster, enveloping their enemies in a cone of searing magical flame.
Overcast version deals increased armour-piercing damage.
Single-target magic-missile that applies the Warpflame! debuff, increasing fire damage received.
With a twist of the hand, the spellcaster causes the bodies of their opponents to be consumed by coruscating blue flames.